
Teacher Introduction

Pupil Introduction

Detailed list of performances in the six selected events

Sample Enquiries

Enquiry Process

Assessment Rubric Template

Enquiry Process Solutions

Detailed Swimming Data

Detailed Track and Field Data

Women of the future are on track to run faster than men

The Changing Role of Women in the Olympic Games

800 m data

Scatter Plot of 800m data

Lesson Plans: Lesson 1

Lesson Plans: Lesson 2

Lesson Plans: Lesson 3


Teaching and Learning Notes

TL1: Biased reporting of the first women’s 800m

TL2: They may see the need for percentages immediately

TL3: Basic comparison for 800m

TL4: The issue of independent thinking

TL5: Key features in the improvements of selected events

TL 6: Comparing like with like

TL7: 1896 A major outlier

TL8: Sharing ownership over our criteria for quality

TL9: Fair comparison which can used across events

TL10: Miss this isn't maths

TL11: Using data to predict future events

TL12: Outliers

TL13: Linear vs non-linear graphing

TL14: Graphing using software