Contact us

For general discussions and comments about the use of Bowland Maths in the UK, we suggest that you use the NCETM Forum or your social network of choice.

If you have a technical query or suggestion that you want to send to the Bowland Maths team, please use the form below and we will try to respond helpfully.

However, please bear in mind that this project is not currently being funded and this site is run by former project team members who wish to keep the materials available, so we can't promise a speedy response to every query. We are not currently offering any grants (messages requesting funding will be politely ignored).

  • You no longer need to buy a license to use Bowland Maths outside of the UK.
  • Schools are free to copy the materials for educational use and install material on their VLE/Intranet, but we can't offer any technical support for this.
  • This form is only for queries about the materials on this site.
    It can not be used to contact Bowland Charitable Trust.