Heart Beat - Task
Heart Beat
Kate, Aminda and Amadej all had their 14th birthdays last week.
Kate guesses she has had about 20 million heart beats, so far.
Aminda thinks that estimate is too low, but Amadej thinks it is too high. What do you think?
A: GUESS who is right! My guess is........................
B: Now do some measuring - how many times does your heart beat in a minute?
You need a timer and a pulse...
My heart beat at the rate of ................ beats per minute
The lowest pulse rate in class was...............
The highest pulse rate in class was...............
C: Now do an exact calculation - how many minutes are there in 14 years?
D: Now do two plausible estimations
what is the low estimate of the number of heartbeats in 14 years?
what is the high estimate of the number of heartbeats in 14 years?
E: which of Kate, Aminda and Amadej was right?